19 June, 2024

Element Youth 21 June 2024

Element Youth is having a Burritos night/Burritos game this Friday 21/06/24.

It's going to be a great fun night.

Come along and bring your friends!

Marion Church of Christ

Corner Alawoona Avenue & Marion Road, Mitchell Park

12 June, 2024

Bringing Up Great Kids

All parents need a hand from time to time ...

Who It's For

This is a highly recognised FREE interactive program for parents and carers of young children and adolescents looking to enhance their parenting skills, to help us raise happy and confident kids.

How We Help

Our facilitators support carers with children of any age. We’ll show how respectful interactions can reduce conflict, so families enjoy richer relationships.

What to Expect

Participants consider a range of scenarios they might face with their children. Exercises and discussions support better communication and increased empathy and offer tools to put learning into practice at home.


Six sessions, over six weeks (Two hours per session)

Starts Tuesdays 10am - 12noon from 30 July to 3 September FREE BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL

Marion Church of Christ

Contact Leanne 0432 043 537

11 June, 2024

Element Youth Fri 14 June 2024

Last Friday, we had a great night hanging out for BBQ and Bonfire for Element Youth.

This Friday we are having a nice, fun and relaxing this Friday playing BINGO.

We'll have hot chocolate drinks and cookies and cakes for the youth, worship, and a mini-message.

See you there! Stephen

Youth/Young Adults Pastor

10 June, 2024

Coming up soon at MCC - Meet Jesus Series

Watch this space ...

starting Sunday 4 August

Satisfied? Meet Jesus

Messed up? Meet Jesus

Want purpose? Meet Jesus

Want answers? Meet Jesus

8 June, 2024

Bible College - Centenary Celebration Dinner

For 100 years Bible College SA has been preparing women and men for faithful and fruitful gospel service in South Australia, and around the world.

The Board of the College would love you to join in this very special night giving thanks and celebrating God’s sustaining goodness to us. The program for the evening will include a fantastic meal together and presentations from our Principal and Board President, and other members of the College community.

Doors open at 6.30pm, for a 7.00pm start

Dress code is smart to formal

Single Ticket: $138

Includes all food and drinks.

Single Ticket + Centenary Book: $173

Add a copy of our beautiful centenary book at a discounted price. (Full price books will also be available on the night.)

Table of 10: $1,380

Bring a group of friends and enjoy the celebrations together.

Donate a ticket (or two… or more!)

Some of our current students and friends of the College are on lower fixed incomes and may struggle to pay for a full price ticket. If you are able to contribute towards extra tickets, that will be a great help in enabling more of the wider College community to get along and celebrate with us.

If you would like to inquire about a subsidy to help with the cost of your ticket, please contact our Partnerships and Events Officer, Mandy Krueger on (08) 8291 8188 or by email at We would love to make it possible for you to be at this special event.

RSVP: Monday 9 September

Please note: all tickets incur booking fees.

5 June, 2024


At Pop-up Health we are trying to protect the vulnerable population by providing them access to vaccines in an environment that is safe for them.


Pop-Up Health advocate strongly for the vulnerable population within South Australia. Partnering with Adelaide PHN & Country PHN, our vaccination program allows vulnerable people to access COVID vaccinations at a time and location that is convenient and comfortable for them. This ensures they don’t ‘slip through the cracks’.

Since the commencement of this program, Pop-Up Health have administered over 3,000 COVID vaccinations to the vulnerable population of Adelaide. This significantly improves this group’s overall protection against COVID.

We have a dedicated team of nurse vaccinators, administration staff and program coordinators to support this COVID vaccination program, with a focus on reaching the vulnerable population and make a difference in improving their vaccination rates.

5 June, 2024

Compassionate Care for One Another - Short Course

The Australian Faith Community Nurses Association (AFCNA) is an ecumenical Christian, professional nursing association seeking to promote and equip people for quality effective faith community care.

AFCNA is offering a short course that provides biblical responses and research-based practice to equip people for effective and ‘Compassionate Care for One Another’.

Upcoming course be held in Blackwood South Australia on Friday June 28th from 9 am - 3.30 pm. (PDF brochure attached)

All the details are in the attached brochure attached. Our community is experiencing a rapid increase of vulnerable people who need, but cannot obtain, effective and compassionate support. There is a rapid increase in mental distress, large increases in disrupted family relationships, a growing number of frail aged, huge numbers of people managing significant chronic health conditions in the community, and 20% of the population living with disabilities.

Improving the health and wellbeing of our people is at the forefront of the commandment to ‘Love your neighbour’, and the importance of adding a health focus to pastoral care can provide the changes we want to see in the care that our community certainly wants and needs. Yet there are few opportunities to equip people to provide effective, supportive and compassionate care that enable everyone to thrive.

AFCNA is addressing that gap and providing an low-cost opportunity for people to become the care that they want to see in their community. Almost everyone can learn how!

Please encourage people to avail themselves of this opportunity so your community is more effective and compassionate in their outreach response to vulnerable people within your community.

AFCNA is offering a one day ‘deep dive’ into 4 key themes that will be explored together:

o Why our care needs to be compassionate

o Who we care for – ‘whole’ person care

o How and when we can be most helpful

o What practical responses actually work

o Q&A discussion & practice included throughout

Yours In Christ’s service,

Anne Dr. Antonia van Loon RN PhD

Chairperson: Australian Faith Community Nurses Association Inc.

PO Box 2707, Kent Town, South Australia, 5071


W: M: 0409 921 337

Join Australian Faith Community Nurses Association and be part of the vision:

Register for Compassionate Care for One Another:

4 June, 2024

MarionLIFE Month June 2024

Dear Friends of MarionLIFE,

We are excited to announce the launch of our annual MarionLIFE Month!

For the month of June, would you consider partnering with MarionLIFE during our EOFY Appeal as we seek to raise $50,000 to continue to provide meaningful, flexible and responsive support to people in our community?

We are seeking to raise an average of $1000 per week, this amount will allow us to help ensure that we can cover the expenses of running our centre in the year ahead. Your donation helps people like, Erin*, who attends our Community Meal Program, “This Community Meal is very important to my family. I come very often to enjoy the lovely meal, meet new and old community meal friends. My kids really enjoy the meal and always feel cared for. We love attending and love the community, friendship, activities and food.” *Name changed.

Together we can positively impact community members who are courageously facing challenges in their lives, to build upon their resilience and expand their capacity.

Here are a few ways you could get involved this June:

- Become a regular donor, donations that are spread out over the year (for example once a month) help our sustainability, allowing us to plan ahead. Donations are tax deductible, click here to help us reach our target

- Give support through the gift of your time by signing up to volunteer with us, visit or contact us to express your interest.

- Drop off some non-perishable food items to the centre to support people in need of Emergency Relief.

- Stop by our centre and collect a green donation tin to use at your work place, church or school to collect donations for MarionLIFE.

Thank you for supporting us, and your interest in bringing lasting transformation in the local community. If you would like to learn more about getting involved with MarionLIFE, please visit or email us

Kind Regards,

Leighton Boyd


4 June, 2024

Element Youth BONFIRE this Friday 7 June 2024

Element Youth is having a Bonfire and BBQ this Friday at Amelia's parent's property.

Drop off your teen/s at 6:30 pm at church, we will leave at 6:45 pm in the church Bus and Youth Leader's car.

We are heading up to Amelia's parent's property and we will finish at 8:45 pm and should arrive at church at 9:10 pm for parents to collect your teen/s.

Please wear boots and rug up, it will be cold.

It's going to be a great night!

Come along and bring your friends!

Marion Church of Christ

Corner Alawoona Avenue & Marion Road, Mitchell Park
