
Friendly Word Newsletter Sun 18 Feb 2024

The weekend is coming around fast - I don't know about your week but mine has flown by.

Here's the FW with all the news.

We have lots on this Sunday with

Prayer Night this Sunday after Cafe Church

The Child Safe Refresher course is on too.

Young Families social catchup

Rosters are due so let us know as soon as you can with your unavailable dates.

Members voting packs will be out on Sunday too.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10.

These are works done, not in our own strength and for our own benefit, but by the grace of God and in obedience to Him – led by the Holy Spirit, to God's glory.


Church Office Team


Friendly Word Newsletter Sun 11 Feb 2024

Kids@Marion is back this Sunday 10am

Cafe Church is back this Sunday 6pm.

Going to be a great Sunday of Discovering Jesus, Valuing People and Building Community.

Check out the news in the Friendly Word.


Vision Sunday 2024 - 4th February

Hello folks,

You've got to come along this Sunday or tune in online - we have a great morning planned from Pastor Stephen Scott leading us in The Word and God's direction for our Church and Community into 2024. We have some special displays to see of all the Life and Light Groups here at church - so many ways you can participate, join in and serve. Plus we are having lunch together. It sounds so good doesn't it. Let's come together and enjoy the day by praising God and His goodness over us.

Check out the Friendly Word Newsletter to see all the groups coming back this week. We have a family camp to register for, rosters to fill in, baptism, Easter Services and more.

We encourage you to be in prayer for Vision Sunday, Pastor Stephen and our Church Community.

Lord, I praise You for inviting me into Your eternal purpose. I thank You that You are working out everything in conformity with the purpose of Your will (Ephesians 1:11)

Lord we come before you with grateful hearts for where You have placed us in Your community. We lift up Pastor Stephen to You as he seeks You in preparing Your Word and direction for our church family in 2024. Help us we pray, to grasp the church vision that You have for us, and may we be sensitive to Your leading and guidance with a sense of joyous anticipation. Amen


Church Office


Friendly Word Newsletter Sun 28 Jan 2024

Hello to Summer Church at Marion Church of Christ

The end of January - wow, it's gone fast.

It's the last Summer church session this Sunday at 10am then we head offsite to Beach Church where we can hang out watching the waves lap, the sunset and enjoy a chat or two.

Next Sunday is Vision Sunday at 10am so come along and stay for lunch, there's lots happening that day and into February when our other groups start back up, 6pm Cafe Church is back, Prayer Night, BBQ Church.

Check out the Friendly Word for details and lots more that's happening here during the week.


Church Office Team


Friendly Word Newsletter Sun 21 Jan 2024

Hello to Summer Church at Marion Church of Christ

We are combining our services at 10am and then heading offsite to Beach Church where we can hang out watching the waves lap, the sunset and enjoy a chat or two.

Side Gate Cafe, Good Gear and MarionLIFE have reopened for the Summer .

Check out the Friendly Word for details and lots more that's happening here during the week.


Church Office Team


Friendly Word Newsletter Sun 14 January 2024

Hello and welcome to this week's newsletter.

Did you catch Pastor Stephen's sermon from Sunday?

Check it out on the MCC You tube channel - see where God is leading us through the words of David's Psalm 23.

Have you thought of where God might be leading you in a volunteering capacity this year - from our youngest to oldest?

Next week we have Side Gate Cafe and Good Gear Op Shop plus MarionLIFE ER back - check it all out in the FW.

Plus we have lots to put in the diary! So get your pens and calendars or diaries at the ready.

Be in prayer over Vision Sunday coming up in February.


Church Office Team


Friendly Word Newsletter Sun 7 January 2024

Hello to 2024.

The New Year has come and gone. Wow! first week into 2024.

Come along and join us at the combined 10am service.

We would love to hear about your New Year and perhaps how you have relaxed and enjoyed God's creation by spending time in gardens, walking, in stillness, watching the clouds, praying and maybe a little work here and there!

If you are unable to be here in person, we will be live streaming.

Summer Church details are highlighted in the FW.

Also we have the Leaders Meeting scheduled for Wed 31 Jan 2024 7.30pm. If you are a leader, helper or interested in how you might be involved in 2024, put this date in your diaries for a fresh new and different start to 2024.

The Church Office is currently closed - reopening on Monday 15 January along with Side Gate Cafe and Good Gear.


Church Office Team


Friendly Word Newsletter Sun 31 December 2023

Hello to our weekly newsletter,

It's the last Sunday of 2023. Come along and join us at the combined 10am service.

We would love to hear about your Christmas.

If you are unable to be here in person, we will be live streaming.

Summer Church details are highlighted in the FW.

Also we have the Leaders Meeting scheduled for Wed 31 Jan 2024 7.30pm. If you are a leader, helper or interested in how you might be involved in 2024, put this date in your diaries for a fresh new and different start to 2024.

The Church Office is currently closed - reopening on Monday 15 January along with Side Gate Cafe and Good Gear.


Church Office Team


Friendly Word Christmas Services 2023

Merry Christmas from the Pastors, Governing Council and Office Staff.

We have three Christmas Services and would love for you to keep sharing and encouraging friends and family to come along.

God, our Creator, we offer this humble prayer to You. We come to worship with a song of thanks in our hearts—a song of redemption, a song of hope and renewal. We pray for joy in our hearts, hope in our God, love to forgive, and peace upon the earth. Amen


Church Office Team
